What I offer...
For individuals - Get started on the journey

Sometimes we can do this journey on our own or with the support of family and friends. At other times, you might want to talk things through. If this is you - if you have a health challenge that you feel is adversely affected by something in you lifestyle - get in touch for either an email exchange or a complementary 20 min telephone conversation. (Important - this is a coaching conversation - it is not about diagnosing a problem or doing investigations. For those, you will be referred back to your GP).
For healthcare teams both inside or outside the NHS

I work with a small team in Herts and West Essex. Together we offer not-for-profit education and training sessions about Lifestyle Medicine - to individuals, to practices, to groups of practices. To voluntary organisations and charities. Our purpose? To promote Lifestyle Medicine, make this way of working central in British general practice, and try out novel ways to deliver it. To find out more please get in touch.